Yes, it's true. I have an addiction. I think it's probably one of the healthier addictions out there. I am addicted to books! I'm pretty much Ok with it too. I even would like them to all have there own room. I can't remember the last time I walked in a store and didn't wanna buy a book. They intrique me, from the titles, to the pages, to the cover designs. One day, I pray, I will have a library to house all my books. And as far as borrowing them... yes you may borrow a book but you will have to deal with ME if you don't bring it back when you're done! =)
I can't say that I read a whole lot of fiction books but I do like them. I mostly like to read about ways to better myself, my life, my business, and my relationships. My love for God keeps me wanting to always be better and more like him. Lately my focus has been on becoming a better parent to my kiddos and getting the best out of my photography business.
Here are a couple of my awesome stacks of books. Check em out on
Amazon and order away!
This is my mommy stack. I LOVE "Power of praying parent." |
This is my SELF stack. These are books that help me be a better me. |
This is my marriage stack! WE can always do better in that aspect. |
Ahh.. the good ole work stack. I have many many more of these but they are currently in my CAR! |
If anyone wants to help encourage my addiction by recommended or loaning any good books, please do!
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